Easter Egg Hunt

Preschool Easter Egg Hunt 
Saturday, April 4 2pm – 3pm. If you are ages 2-5, join us for music, games, crafts, snacks, and of course, hunting eggs! The Easter Bunny will be there to have his picture made with you! Just bring your Easter Basket and a smile! If you would like to donate plastic eggs and/or candy for the Egg Hunt, please leave in guest services or the church office. No chocolate please.

Saturday, April 4 2pm – 3pm. If you are ages 2-5, join us for music, games, crafts, snacks, and of course, hunting eggs! The Easter Bunny will be there to have his picture made with you! Just bring your Easter Basket and a smile! If you would like to donate plastic eggs and/or candy for the Egg Hunt, please leave in guest services or the church office. No chocolate please.

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